Download e-book for kindle: Illengond: The Daegmon War Book 3 by Matthew Dickerson

By Matthew Dickerson

“In The talented and The Betrayed, Matthew Dickerson’s masterful story-telling and ability for suspenseful narrative draw us into the conflict to avoid wasting Gondisle from the Daegmon Lord. Dickerson brings to the production of fable epic his prepared commentary of the wildlife. Gondisle’s woods, plains, mountains, and marshes look as actual as these of our global. Nature is a residing presence within the Daegmon struggle, and Dickerson follows within the footsteps of Tolkien and Lewis in making of delusion the paintings of re-enchanting the realm. This sequence satisfies our starvation for that means in addition to it satisfies our thirst for adventure.”

—Benjamin Myers, former poet laureate of Oklahoma.

Daegmons have wreaked destruction on Gondisle. The desire of the land rests on a small staff of heroes who own mystical powers of therapeutic, shaping, wisdom, speech with creatures, and supernatural energy in conflict. but the mixed strengths and presents of those heroes appear woefully insufficient, whereas the enemy grows extra strong each one day.

In the 3rd quantity of this sequence of epic excessive myth, Tienna, Elynna and their partners, after pain a devastating defeat, flee east around the wild and rugged Undeani highlands, whereas Thimeon and Prince Dhan and their small band race north with treasures from the troves of fortress: a weapon of strength, and an historical tome of knowledge. but Daegmons and the armies of fort pursue either businesses, whose determined quests to flee and reunite lead them directly towards Illengond, the traditional holy mountain of the All-Maker. to outlive, Tienna needs to study what it capability to be a healer, Elynna needs to turn into a pacesetter, Thimeon needs to comprehend historic knowledge, and all needs to grasp to braveness and wish in the middle of loss.

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Illengond: The Daegmon War Book 3 by Matthew Dickerson

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